Besplatna dostava iznad 100KM
  • Košara je prazna!


45,50 KM

Tehnička maskara koja osigurava volumen i dužinu čak i za najkraće trepavice.

Savršena sinergija između formule s ekskluzivnim učinkom i četkice koja uvija i daje volumen svakoj vrsti trepavica, hvatajući čak i one najnevidljivije. Formula, obogaćena hijaluronskom kiselinom i vitaminom E, garantuje ujednačenu aplikaciju bez grudica, koja traje do 10 sati. Šminka visoke definicije za naglašene, pojačane i volumenske trepavice, od korijena do vrhova.

REZULTAT: Savršeno izdužene i intenzivnije trepavice, čak i one kraće.

Bez parfema.

Dermatološki i oftalmološki ispitan.

Pogodno za osjetljive oči i osobe koje nose kontaktna sočiva.

Testirani nikl, kobalt, hrom, paladijum i živa

SKU: 24753 Kategorije: , , , , Oznake , , , ,
A technical mascara, ensuring volume and length even for the shortest lashes.
The perfect synergy between a formula with exclusive performance and a technological wand that curls and volumizes every type of lash, capturing even the most invisible ones. The formula, enriched with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E, guarantees a uniform, lump-free application, lasting up to 10 hours*. A high-definition makeup for emphasized, intensified and volumized lashes, from root to tip.

Perfectly elongated and more intense lashes, even the shorter ones, for a long stay*.

Perfume free.
Dermatologically and ophthalmologically tested.
Suitable for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers.
Nickel, Cobalt, Chrome, Palladium and Mercury tested**

**Less than 5 parts per million each. Small quantities can be responsible for skin sensitization.

9 ml